#RonOnTheRoad: Ryan Manufacturing

Great start to the day at Ryan Manufacturing in Schofield! Ron spoke with employees and supporters about how #WI manufacturing is important to our state’s economy. Ryan Manufacturing has been in business for over 50 years, producing parts for heavy equipment and machinery like cranes, bulldozers and mining trucks. They have 28 employees, and multiple…
#RonOnTheRoad: Day 2

Day two of our tour begins! After an awesome day yesterday, we’re hitting the road again, starting things out this morning at Ryan Manufacturing in Wausau. We’re then heading up to Superior with a couple of stops along the way and then are finishing the day in Hudson. Stay tuned for more updates from the…
#RonOnTheRoad: Day 1

We’ll be hitting the road bright and early tomorrow morning to head to Ron’s manufacturing firm in Oshkosh, PACUR. From there we have a busy day on the road, making stops in Green Bay, Laona, Rhinelander, and Wausau. We’ll be talking to manufacturers in Green Bay about how to get Washington regulations out of the…