During his time working for Wisconsin, Ron has focused on creating good Wisconsin jobs through economic growth, keeping local communities safe, and taking on the dysfunction in Washington.
Ron becomes a grandfather with the birth of Jenna’s son and Carey’s daughter.
After spending more than 30 years at PACUR, Ron became alarmed enough about the direction of our country to run for U.S. Senate, defeating Senator Feingold, a career politician who had spent more than 18 years in Washington.
Ron and Jane started a family and had their first daughter, Carey. Carey was born with a serious medical condition, but because of the strong work done by the doctors at the hospital, her life was saved.
Ron and Jane moved to Oshkosh and co-founded a plastics manufacturing company, PACUR, where Ron also worked as an accountant and traded shifts as a machine operator.
Graduation | Marriage
Ron graduated college and married his wife, Jane.
First Job
Ron got his first tax-paying job at the age of 15, working minimum wage as a dishwasher at a Walgreens grill. Over the next year he was promoted several times and became the night manager before the age of 16.