OSHKOSH – The Ron Johnson campaign announced an endorsement from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation (WFBF) Wednesday. The WFBF is the state’s largest general farm organization representing over 46,000 member family farms of different sizes, commodities and management styles.
“Sen. Johnson has been a steadfast supporter of Wisconsin agriculture,” Wisconsin Farm Bureau Vice President Dave Daniels said. “He has played a critical role in the U.S. Senate, supporting policies that expand rural broadband access, clarify food labels for consumers, enhance trade opportunities and many other policies that benefit Wisconsin’s agricultural economy.”
“I am honored to have the endorsement of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau and its members,” Ron Johnson said. “Farmers are in the crosshairs of destructive policies like the Green New Deal promoted by radical leftists like Mandela Barnes. The Green New Deal would cost trillions of dollars we don’t have, raise taxes and increase regulations. And the trillions in spending would further fuel Biden’s inflation that is hurting everyone and raising the costs of production. I’ll always fight for farmers and protect Wisconsin’s agriculture heritage.”