With the race as tight as ever the day before Election Day, state and national media report that Ron is sprinting across the finish line.
Check out what they’re saying:
Fox 6 Milwaukee: “‘I think people really do recognize him as a 34-year career politician that has hardly has anything good to show for it,” Johnson said. In Mukwonago on Saturday, Johnson reflected on an even tighter battle. ‘I think truth will prevail,’ Johnson said. … Johnson has received support from the likes of House Speaker Paul Ryan and a host of other Republicans. ‘To protect our First Amendment, to protect our Second Amendment –we need to send Ron Johnson back to the United States Senate,’ Ryan said.”
WBAY Green Bay: “GOP leaders pulled up to Gallagher’s Pizza in Green Bay in support of US Senator Ron Johnson and Mike Gallagher, Republican hopeful for Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District. ‘He knows how to get things done. He’s passed a lot of laws. He actually knows how to reach across the aisle to work for us,’ said House Speaker Paul Ryan, (R) Janesville, who along with Governor Scott Walker and current 8th District Congressman Reid Ribble, (R), pushed for 8th District voters. Senator Johnson criticized his opponent, former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold (D), for his support of Obamacare. ‘It’s causing real harm to real people here in Wisconsin. They’re the ones that created the swamp. We’re here to drain it,’ Sen. Johnson said.”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Feingold’s rival, Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, worked the crowd at the Packers game in Green Bay, shaking hands for two hours and holding a tailgate party across the street from Lambeau Field. … ‘All the momentum is on our side,’ Johnson said. … In Green Bay, Johnson was upbeat about his chances to defeat Feingold. The GOP has united around Johnson’s candidacy, with House Speaker Paul Ryan and Gov. Scott Walker headlining a statewide bus tour and a Saturday unity rally that included vice presidential hopeful Mike Pence. ‘We see a lot of enthusiasm. We’ve done the bus tour. We’re filling up the victory centers,” Johnson said. “I’m feeling a lot of support around Lambeau Field.'”
WAOW Wausau: “In the final push before Election Day, House Speaker Paul Ryan campaigned with U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) across the Badger State. Johnson needs the firepower from a GOP top gun, given that he and his opponent Russ Feingold are in a dead heat. … ‘When I see [Johnson] fighting for us,’ said Ryan at an event at Crystal Finishing Systems in Mosinee. ‘I know he’s representing Wisconsin. He’s representing our values.'”
NBC 15: “Johnson and Ryan say Wisconsin needs politicians that will fight for proper tax, and healthcare reform, and create more jobs for hard working Americans. ‘We actually understand how to create jobs, how to grow our economy, how to create the prosperity and opportunity that Wisconsinites are really looking for and that’s what this election is really about,’ said Johnson. Johnson says he will continue to travel across Wisconsin campaigning in these final few days election day.” … Johnson has received support from the likes of House Speaker Paul Ryan and a host of other Republicans. “To protect our First Amendment, to protect our Second Amendment –we need to send Ron Johnson back to the United States Senate,” Ryan said.”
Fox News: “Feingold held his Senate seat for 18 years before being defeated by Johnson as part of the 2010 Republican wave. Until recently, Feingold was favored to return the favor, but a recent Marquette University Law School poll showed the race as a virtual tie after previously putting Feingold in front by six points. … Feingold and his supporters are up against a Republican ground machine that’s been oiled, tested and refined in the election, recall and re-election of Governor Scott Walker.”