Ron Johnson launched his statewide Outdoorsmen for RonJon Coalition today. The coalition is made up of hunters, sportsmen, and timber industry leaders across Wisconsin who are standing with Ron because he will defend the Second Amendment, proudly support Wisconsin’s hunting heritage, and fight for local control of our outdoors.
The coalition has more than 400 members and Ron is being supported by the most prominent outdoor associations in the state including the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association, Wisconsin FORCE (a state organization charted by the National Rifle Association), Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association, Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association, Whitetails of Wisconsin Association, and three Safari Club International chapters (Northeast Chapter, Wisconsin Chapter, Badgerland Chapter, and Southeast Wisconsin Bow Chapter).
The following groups offered statements as part of the announcement:
Mike Brust, President, Wisconsin Bowhunters Association:“Wisconsin Bowhunters Association is proud to be a member of Senator Johnson’s Outdoorsmen Coalition. We appreciate the effort he has made to support the hunting community and the hunting culture of our state, and his efforts to return management of an out-of-control wolf population back to the state of Wisconsin”.
Mike Stewart, President, NRA-chartered Wisconsin FORCE: “Ron Johnson is committed to preserving our Second Amendment right to bear arms. He understands the threat facing gun owners as the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. We are proud of Ron Johnson’s efforts to protect gun owners’ ability to protect their homes and families, and will continue working with him to ensure our Second Amendment rights are protected.”
Henry Schienebeck, Executive Director, Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association: “Ron Johnson is a leader we can count on to support our way life in Northern Wisconsin. He took the time to educate himself about the forest products industry, the challenges within it, and worked with all the groups both pro and anti-forest management, to develop a win-win situation. Because of his leadership and working with others in Congress, our forests and wildlife industry will remain healthy well into the future.”
Lucas Withrow, Vice President, Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association: “Ron Johnson has been an advocate for hunters in Wisconsin, and is a great ally for sportsmen across the state. We are excited to support Ron and know that he will continue working to preserve Wisconsin’s rich heritage of hunting and preserving our hunting lands.”