Ron is using his private sector experience to solve problems and connect Wisconsin
“Ron Johnson believes all Wisconsinites deserve to enjoy Packers games, and their local news. That’s why when he went to Washington, he got a law passed to fix it,” the narrator says.
Parts of northern Wisconsin are in the Duluth, Minn. media market, so they receive Minnesota Vikings games instead of Packer games. In 2014, Ron got a provision signed into law that allows television stations to change their designated market. WSAW in Wausau has already filed a petition with the federal government to broadcast Packers games and local news into Ashland and Iron counties.
“Ron Johnson saw a problem and he fixed it,” the narrator continues. “He didn’t let politics get in the way. Ron Johnson – he listens to northern Wisconsin and he gets results.”
- Current media market regulations leave some Packers fans in northern Wisconsin unable to watch Green Bay games.
- Using the provision Ron had signed into law, WSAW has petitioned the federal government to allow it to broadcast local news and Packers games into Ashland and Iron Counties, which are otherwise part of the Duluth, Minn. media market.
- Other stations also now have the ability to petition the federal government to broadcast Packers games in other parts of northern Wisconsin that were previously left watching Vikings games.