The Joseph Project is “making a heck of an impact in the lives of people”


From Lake Geneva News:

I previously wrote about the success of the Joseph Project in Milwaukee. This is a program, inspired by a book, “The Triumphs of Joseph” written by Robert L. Woodson Sr.

It is a Christian initiative that puts men and women, with criminal backgrounds into careers. Sen. Ron Johnson’s involvement certainly has lead to it’s success.

He has been able to match graduates with employment. There are many new articles about Johnson’s involvement in our state to help the unemployment of Milwaukee’s inner city African Americans.

Unemployment among African Americans in Wisconsin was the highest in the nation last year. Now the Joseph Project is spreading to Madison. The Capital City Sanctuary Church of God is hosting the 14th graduation class of the Joseph Project.

Perry Way Foods, a Johnsonville Sausage subsidiary located in Watertown will employ the new graduates. There is hope for expansion in to the Waukesha area. Where graduates could come from both the Madison and Milwaukee classes.

There are now 20 companies involved in hiring Joseph Project graduates. Johnson has stated, “I’m not just doing this because I’m a United States Senator…I’m trying to use my position here to highlight a success and provide an example for others to follow.”

Pastor Jerome Smith Sr., who started the Joseph Project in Milwaukee said, “This project has crossed political parties. It has crossed denominational boundaries. I’m not aware of any other single thing that’s doing that.

It’s crossing racial boundaries. That’s powerful. This is making a heck of an impact in the lives of people. Because of us, people are going to eat well on Labor Day and will go shopping with their kids for school.”

While the other U.S. Senator in Wisconsin, Tammy Baldwin, has not endorsed the Joseph Project, Cory Booker, U.S. Senator in New Jersey is trying to replicate the Joseph Project in his state. As well as, U.S. Senator Cory Gardner in Colorado.

They see the success of the Joseph Project and want to duplicate it for their inner cities unemployment problems.

House Speaker Paul Ryan and our congress have come up with a plan to help people rise out of poverty. Something the Joseph Project is actually doing. Ryan has traveled and collaborated with Robert L. Woodson, to develop the plan the GOP has published to empower people out of poverty. Ryan also relied on Catholic charities to help develop the new plan.

Democrats would rather tax a can of soda and tell us it will prevent litter, then tell citizens to pick up the litter in their neighborhoods because they want them to believe government, not personal responsibility, is the answer for all of their problems.

Although, Johnson has only been a senator for six years, Milwaukee’s unemployment for African Americans started decades ago. Johnson has not contributed to high unemployment in Milwaukee, but he’s trying to help the problem in spite of the opposition from the Democrats, like Russ Feingold, that have run Milwaukee for the past 100 plus years. The welfare program started in the 1960’s and the number of people on welfare has only increased. The bottom line, the American dream is not a government program.

Feingold has followed in the top Democrat footsteps. He graduated college, then went on to Oxford and then to an Ivy League college. His father protested the Vietnam War. Bill Clinton, graduated college, then went on to Oxford, then onto an Ivy League college. While at Oxford he demonstrated against the Vietnam War by sitting in a tree for a week.

The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree. Of course, people don’t know that Bill Clinton got an ROTC scholarship and then skipped out on his responsibility to fulfill his military requirements.

Do we want a senator that promotes personal responsibility and really cares about people getting a career, a house, a car? Or a do nothing ex-Senator that has only had government jobs his entire career, and was the deciding vote for Obamacare. Johnson has stated about being part of the Joseph Project; “Of all the stuff I’ve done in six years, if nothing else, this was worth it. I’m telling you, this running for re-election is such a negative process. It is the frustration and not being able to get stuff done and the negative campaigning, the way they try to destroy your character. This was worth it.”