Ron is offering real solutions for folks hurt by Obamacare


Ron is offering real solutions for folks who are being hurt by Obamacare. He said, “Why don’t we allow individuals to take that subsidy and use that for any non-Obamacare plans? Let’s eliminate the individual mandate so no one’s being penalized.”

From Wisconsin Public Radio:

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, wants to allow people to use government subsidies to buy health insurance outside of Obamacare. The federal marketplace that’s part of the Affordable Care Act has fewer insurers, meaning consumers could face higher prices.

Johnson said subsidies will give consumers more choice in areas of the country where insurance companies no longer sell on the marketplace because they can’t make money.

“Why don’t we allow individuals to take that subsidy and use that for any non-Obamacare plans? Also, let’s eliminate the individual mandate so no one’s being penalized,” Johnson said.

Wisconsin’s Deputy Insurance Commissioner, J.P. Wieske, estimated 64,000 states residents getting insurance on the federal exchange could lose their coverage because insurers pulled out or service areas changed. Wieske testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which Johnson chairs, in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. The Obama administration plans to auto-enroll these consumers in other plans so they stay covered. Wieske claims this is illegal under state law.