As an Oshkosh manufacturer, Ron knows how important manufacturing is to our economy and what it takes to create more good Wisconsin jobs. On Monday, Ron announced the launch of his Manufacturers Coalition, a group of more than 100 members statewide and 12 members on the leadership team who will advise Ron on manufacturing issues and help mobilize voters to further strengthen Wisconsin Republicans’ best-in-the-nation ground game.
Ron has held manufacturing events across Wisconsin this week, including in the Green Bay and Milwaukee areas:
WBAY reported about the event in Kaukauna: “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) kicked off a statewide tour focused on manufacturingMonday. He visited Team Industries in Kaukauna, and met with members of the Manufacturers Coalition to talk about challenges facing the industry.
The Appleton Post-Crescent noted Ron’s background as an Oshkosh manufacturer: “‘I’ve got a manufacturing background,’ Johnson told reporters after his tour of the Kaukauna facility. ‘I understand how manufacturing is the backbone, in many respects, of the Wisconsin economy, providing great paying jobs.'”
Fox 11 recognized the contrast between Ron and Senator Feingold: “Johnson says he believes his manufacturing background makes him better suited for the job than Russ Feingold. ‘I know how to grown an economy. I know how to grow a business. Senator Feingold just knows how to grow government. So it’s a big contrast between the two candidates.'”
The Eagle Herald Extra highlighted Ron’s work for rural communities: “Johnson said he had been touring several manufacturing facilities around the state on his campaign trail and had been hearing similar concerns from rural communities such as Marinette County regarding security: Whether it’s related to national and homeland security, income and job security, health care security and retirement security.”