Ron talked with the Oneida County Sheriff about keeping local communities safe


From News 12 Rhinelander:

ONEIDA COUNTY – Usually, seeing someone riding in a squad car doesn’t bring connotations with it, but that wasn’t the case on Saturday for the Oneida County Sheriff.

That’s because Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) rode along with Sheriff Grady Hartman on Saturday afternoon to learn more about the kind of problems police face in the Northwoods.
Hartman told Johnson that one of the major issues his department faces is drug abuse. That’s an issue Johnson said he sees on a national level as chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

The senator from Oshkosh praised local police departments for the hard work they do.

“Local law enforcement does a pretty good job of providing information up the chain,” Johnson said. “But, I think the sheriff would agree with me, sometimes the information doesn’t come down the chain quite as effectively. But again, you know, local law enforcement, I think, does just a great job.”

Now that the Wisconsin state primary is over, Johnson will officially face former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) in the Nov. 8 general election.

Johnson has already been campaigning throughout the state, but now he says it’s in full gear.

“My approach to the campaign is that I’ve got serious responsibilities as the chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs so I’ve been doing my job,” Johnson said. “I’d say after the primary now I’d say this is the campaign. So to me the campaign has really kicked off.”

A Johnson staffer said that Hartman, along with other sheriffs across the state, will officially endorse Johnson this fall.