Ron traveled the state this past week making stops in Sauk, Wood, Rock, Outagamie, and Waukesha counties — and he was joined by Gov. Walker and Chairman Brad Courtney. They talked about the clear difference between Ron‘s Wisconsin values and Senator Feingold’s Washington values. Check out a rundown of their stops here.
Ron took on the heroin epidemic in our state this week, introducing bipartisan legislation that would help make sure doctors aren’t pressured by Medicare payments to overprescribe.
On Wednesday, he held a hearing that explored the connection between drugs and our need to secure the border – a problem he discussed with local media Thursday – and Friday he held a field hearing in Pewaukee with Sen. Baldwin, Attorney General Schimel, Rep. Nygren, and State Sen. Erpenbach examining Wisconsin’s heroin epidemic up close.
Ron has also continued his work with Pastor Smith connecting folks in need with good jobs. Recently the UW-Madison College Republicans took notice and offered their support for the program.
Finally, Republican Party of Wisconsin’s convention is right around the corner, and we’re looking forward to seeing many of you in Green Bay!
You never know what you’ll see with #RonOnTheRoad, so make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!