Joins panel discussing impact of Obama administration’s energy policy and other overreach on jobs and the economy
Ron Johnson joined a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, arguing that economic growth is the “No. 1 component” to the problems facing our country and that big government is standing in the way of jobs and greater economic and national security.
The panel included Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, and constitutional law expert and political commentator David Rivkin. The topic was the Obama administration’s so-called “Clean Power Plan,” which Ron argued is holding back economic growth, the “No. 1 component” to a solution to the economic and national security problems facing our country.
“Cheap power is better than expensive power,” Ron said. “If you’re wondering why wages are stagnant, just take a look at the regulatory burden on employers.”
Ron cited studies showing that the cost of federal regulations on the economy is approximately $2 trillion annually, arguing that regulatory reform and tax reform are crucial to reducing costs and creating more jobs and economic opportunity for all. He also noted that President Obama admitted that his energy policies meant “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” which means higher costs on Wisconsin families, manufacturers, and other small businesses.
For more information on Ron’s case for private sector growth, including the importance of both affordable energy and a clean environment, see his op-ed in Gannett Wisconsin media. For more on the contrast in the U.S. Senate race, see Ron’s recent joint press conference with Gov. Scott Walker on Senator Feingold’s support for big government.