The devastating loss of Justice Antonin Scalia gives this year’s presidential and senatorial races greater importance for America. Both political sides are arguing their beliefs on what should happen with the appointment of a new justice, which constitutionally is provided for us. However, these are serious times and a rush to fill this important station should not happen. Justice Scalia was a special man who was steadfast in his beliefs of what his job was and what our Constitution stood for.
Scalia’s passing has made this election cycle even more critical and brings us to the crossroads between a society of dependency, or a society that promotes self-determination. Another man who has this same kind of integrity with an unwavering love of country and our Constitution is Sen. Ron Johnson.
Sen. Johnson is not a back-bencher; in fact he has become one of the most respected members of the Senate. He is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. He has been fighting for our veterans and is working to reform the VA, and he is a consistent voice for fiscal sanity and reining in our debt and deficit. Johnson is the leading watchdog uncovering waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, while leading the fight to repair Obamacare’s damage to our economy, and to restore our personal freedoms.
We are at a point in history that we need serious people to solve serious problems, not false ideological promises that can never be fulfilled. These lead to greater despair through the broken promises that were never intended to come to fruition.
I ask all who are reading this to support Sen, Johnson for re-election, a man who has a great love for Wisconsin and our nation.
Jay Capelle
Fond du Lac