The death of Justice Scalia is a profound loss for America, and Ron believes the American people should have a voice on the next Supreme Court justice.
From the Wisconsin State Journal:
“I strongly agree that the American people should decide the future direction of the Supreme Court by their votes for president and the majority party in the U.S. Senate,” Johnson said in a statement released Sunday. “America needs Supreme Court justices who share Justice Scalia’s commitment to applying the Constitution as written and to the freedom it secures.”
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
On the looming battle over Scalia’s successor, Johnson said, “I’m just kind of recognizing reality. I’d seriously doubt President Barack Obama would nominate a Scalia replacement, someone who would show his judicial restraint.”
Asked if the Senate would take up Obama’s nominee, Johnson said “we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. We’ll see who he nominates.”
Johnson said it was up to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to schedule a confirmation hearing. Grassley has said the Senate should not take up a nomination to replace Scalia.
Like Feingold, Johnson also noted that “elections do have consequences,” and pointed to the 2014 midterms that saw Republicans take control of the Senate.
“The Senate will work its will whether we take up the nomination, move it through committee, vote on the floor,” Johnson said. “The Senate will still be fulfilling its job whether it acts on it (the nomination) or not.”