Ron Johnson Stands with Wisconsin Taxpayers Against Obamacare Tax Credits for Illegal Immigrants
While Ron exposes yet another problem with the president’s health care law, Senator Feingold echoes Bernie Sanders on government-run health care
The Ron Johnson campaign released the following statement on Ron’s committee exposing wasteful Obamacare tax credits going to illegal immigrants while Senator Feingold makes clear his support for government-run health care:
“The contrast in this race is clear: Ron Johnson stands with Wisconsin taxpayers and families, and Senator Feingold stands with big government and Bernie Sanders,” spokesman Brian Reisinger said. “Ron believes Obamacare exemplifies all that is wrong with Washington, which is why he’s working toward patient-centered, market-based solutions to replace it. Career politician Senator Feingold not only cast one of the deciding votes for this disastrous law – he supports government-run health care, whatever the consequences.”
- On Monday, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, which Ron chairs, released a report showing that an estimated $750 million in Obamacare tax credits may have gone to illegal immigrants.
- Senator Feingold recently acknowledged that, like presidential candidate and self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders, he wanted a single-payer health care system. After the tragedy at the Tomah VA healthcare facility, Wisconsinites now know what a government-run, bureaucratic, single-payer system looks like – and they will reject that approach.