Racine County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner to feature Navy SEAL, Ron & Speaker Ryan

The Racine Journal Times
January 19, 2016

RACINE — The Racine County Republican Party will host Navy SEAL Chris Heben at its annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Feb. 6.

Heben, a cable news commentator, author and star of Animal Planet’s “Ivory Wars,” will highlight national security issues at the dinner, which is set for 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall, 72 Seventh St., according to a Racine GOP news release.

The dinner will also feature House Speaker Paul Ryan, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and state Sen. Van Wanggaard, according to the news release.

Dan O’Donnell of WTMJ radio will emcee the event, which will be followed by a Republican presidential primary debate watch party.

Seats to the dinner can be reserved at www.racinegop.org. Reservations must be made by Jan. 28.
