The National Review Online wrote an article entitled, “Ron Johnson, Ready Already for 2016” highlighting the Senator’s support in the state and the permanent grassroots infrastructure built by the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Below are some key points from the piece; you can read the full article here.
“A Republican party of Wisconsin field office is buzzing, a full 19 months before election day, as volunteers drop off packages for veterans and man a phone bank on a frigid President’s Day in ‘crucial Waukesha county.’ ‘Our focus is Ron Johnson getting reelected,’ Joe Medina, a local pastor who serves as the RPW’s liaison to the Hispanic community, tells National Review Online.” (Ron Johnson, Ready Already For 2016, National Review Online, 2/20/15)
“What does sell, the GOP believes, is Johnson’s reputation as a straight-talking, independent problem-solver — not unlike the brand that made Feingold such a popular lawmaker until his votes for Obamacare and other left-wing policies dropped the curtains on his pose as a moderate.” (Ron Johnson, Ready Already For 2016, National Review Online, 2/20/15)
“Walker’s string of uninterrupted victories has forged a battle-tested state party confident in its ability to prevail even in difficult elections.” (Ron Johnson, Ready Already For 2016, National Review Online, 2/20/15)
“Republican operatives would rather face Feingold than a Democrat with a shorter record of support for Obama’s policies. “[Feingold] was a known product that was rejected in 2010,” says Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee and former chairman of the Wisconsin Republican party.” (Ron Johnson, Ready Already For 2016, National Review Online, 2/20/15)
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