Wanted to give you a quick update on Ron’s lawsuit challenging the special treatment Obama granted to members of Congress under ObamaCare. Judge William Griesbach has scheduled oral arguments in Johnson v. OPM to determine whether or not Ron has standing in the case. These arguments will take place on July 7th, and we anticipate a final ruling on standing by the end of the summer.
What we’re hearing from supporters around the country – and what Ron has repeatedly been saying – is that this case has implications far beyond ObamaCare. This case is about upholding the rule of law and challenging the President’s rampant executive overreach. Obama has taken his notion of ruling by “a pen and a phone” to a whole new level, targeting ordinary Americans through the IRS, pushing through EPA regulations, and instituting ambush election rules for unionization through the NLRB.
As Ron stated, “This lawsuit offers a landmark opportunity to help re-establish the balance between the executive and legislative branches of government, and I am glad the judge in this case is giving it the serious consideration it deserves.”
To date, we’ve had over 80,000 people like you sign our petition signaling their support of his ObamaCare lawsuit! This grassroots effort shows the courts – as well as the media – that Americans are fed up with the lawlessness of this administration. But the more support we have, the better – will you join with 80,000 other supporters and sign the petition?
Thank you again for all you do. We’ll keep you posted in the coming weeks.
We appreciate your support!