What They’re Saying: Ron Johnson Discusses Real Solutions to National Security Concerns All Across Wisconsin
Holds listening sessions in Green Bay, Mosinee, River Falls, La Crosse, Superior, and Madison
Over the past week, Ron Johnson held national security listening sessions all across Wisconsin, getting input from Wisconsinites and local law enforcement, and discussing his ideas for keeping our country safe.
After listening sessions in Green Bay, Mosinee, River Falls, La Crosse, Superior and Madison, the contrast between Ron and Senator Feingold on issues like North Korea, ISIS and Iran couldn’t be more clear.
While Ron is hearing the concerns of Wisconsinites and fighting for real solutions to keep our country safe, Senator Feingold continues to pay lip service to the threats facing our nation.
Check out what they’re saying about Ron:
In Green Bay: Ron listens… Feingold says go read my op-ed? “In a room filled with chairs placed in a circle, Senator Ron Johnson listened to those around him Wednesday. The small audience at Heritage Hill State Historical Park expressed some of their concerns during the senator’s national security listening session. … Feingold’s campaign directed FOX 11 to an opinion piece the democratic candidate wrote in a local paper.” (Fox 11 TV Green Bay, Sen. Ron Johnson holds national security listening session)
In La Crosse: Ron discusses the security concerns of Wisconsinites, like reports of a North Korean nuclear test… Feingold leaves it to the local Democratic Party.“‘Regardless of whether they did or didn’t we know they are seeking to expand their technology, we know they’re trying to shrink the size of those nuclear weapons so they can put it on their ballistic missile technology,’ said Johnson. ‘We know they cooperate with rogue states, number one state of sponsored terror, Iran, who also wants nuclear capabilities, is also testing ballistic missiles.’ The La Crosse County Democratic Party agrees more knowledge is needed about the claim, but instead supports sanctions on North Korea.” (WEAU.com: Sen Ron Johnson addresses national security in La Crosse)
In Mosinee: Ron is the first senator to ask local police chief for his input – Feingold couldn’t find the time in 18 years in office? “When it comes to national security issues, communities in northcentral Wisconsin don’t get consulted very often. But U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, who is running for reelection this fall, says he wants to show police officers in this part of the state that they have an ally in Washington D.C. … ‘I’ve been a police officer for 25 years and a police chief for four years, and I’ve not had a senator ever ask me, ‘What can we do?’ [Plover Police Chief Dan] Ault said. ‘It is refreshing, and I think there needs to be more of a connection.’” (WJFW.com: Sen. Johnson consults northcentral Wisconsin police chiefs about national security issues)
In Madison: Ron gets real input from local officials, discusses terrorist threat. “The Republican senator held a national security listening session Friday afternoon at the state Department of Military Affairs Joint Force Headquarters, taking questions and feedback from public safety officials and constituents. Johnson, who heads the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said the U.S. needs to face the threat of terrorism ‘upfront’ rather than turning away from it. He said people are reluctant to believe people can think the way ISIS does, but the reality must be accepted. ‘This threat of Islamic terror is real. It’s growing. It can affect any community in America,’ he said.” (Capital Times: Sen. Ron Johnson in Madison: ‘No community’s safe’ from Islamic terrorism)
In Superior: Ron discusses border security, ISIS… Feingold suggests America is too focused on terrorism. “[Johnson] pointed to the southern border as the country’s most vulnerable spot when it comes to immigration and national security. On that front, Feingold said while safety from the threat of ISIS is the most important thing, it isn’t all the American people should be focused on.” (WDIO.com: U.S. Senate Candidates in Superior Talk Jobs, Security)